Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dump Some People

Warning, this may not sound very gracious. But you may need to hear it.

Try this experiment with me:

Group the people in your life with whom you have regular contact into three categories;

1. The Energizers-When you hang out with these people you gain lots of energy, creativity and excitement.

2. The Neutrals-These folks are just like the name implies, they don't have much effect on you either way.

3. The Drainers-After a few minutes with these people and you are looking for a door or looking to make one.

Now the drainers will find you! They usually don't have a life and they want to spend time draining you of yours.

But those energizers are busy folks. You have to seek them out. You have to intentionally plan time to hang out with them.

Now I know you might be thinking, Anthony what about ministering to the hurting? That is part of our mission. We have to spend time giving to those who drain our emotional resources. That's the heart of Jesus, you are right!

But here is my rule with drainers: If they are putting forth effort and making progress I will spend some time with them. But if they just want to whine and never take any concrete steps toward changing their situation, then as harsh as it may sound, I have better things to do than that.

Time with drainers is called ministry.

Time with energizers is called fellowship.

Most faithful Christians err toward the former. If you want to last, you had better balance it out!

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