Monday, September 5, 2011

Whitewash Religion

This verse jumped out at me during my devotions last week.

It’s as if the people have built a flimsy wall, and these prophets are trying to reinforce it by covering it with whitewash! Ezekiel 13:10

Our relationship with God is not about painting over our brokenness to make it look better. In Ezekiel's day there were "prophets" going around telling the people that they would have peace, that everything was okay when in truth the people had been worshipping idols.

You can put coat after coat of paint on a crumbling wall and that wall will still fall. The answer is to fix the wall on the inside, under all the paint.

Don't try and paint over your brokenness with empty religion. That's what so many people in Christian churches are doing. Their Christianity is all paint.

Instead of that, take your brokenness to Jesus Christ and find true healing on the inside!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I agree. We have a tendency to wear a mask at church, I think mostly out of fear but also because it's easy to assume everyone else "has it together" more than we do. It is essential for us to have a place to be real and honest with others. That's why I love the small groups so much. They have helped me in my walk by not only holding me accountable, but by drawing me closer to God. For some reason I always thought that you had to be in a corporate worship situation for God's presence to rain down, but now I know that He wants that relationship with me even when I'm alone. That is SO amazing and He is so Awesome!