Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three Things You Gotta Have

If you want to reach lost people (as every Christian should) there are three things you gotta have!

Jesus told the story in Luke 15:8-10 about a woman who had lost a coin. He goes on to tell how she found it. Here are the three things that she needed and we need if we are going to get back that which is lost.

1. We've got to have love!

This coin was likely a gift she received at her wedding. It was an item of indescribable value to her. Let me ask this: Has God put such a burden on your heart for lost people that you can't get away from it? It is a burning passion in your life? It is God's heart, it must be ours as well. This woman valued that coin so highly that she was willing to do whatever it took to get it back.

2. We've got to have light!

Jesus said that the first thing the woman did was to light a lamp. That light in our own hearts is Jesus. We must have His light. Notice also that our own house must be illuminated before we can find lost things. When you let the light of Jesus in your home, you will see some things you would rather not see. But His light brings continual cleansing.

3. We've got to have labor!

The woman took a broom and began sweeping out the house. It wasn't an easy proposition to find this coin. But she was committed to doing the work necessary. Some people won't find Jesus until they see a Christian with a servant's heart that reaches out to a need in their lives. We must work hard!

Guess what? She found it and threw a neighborhood party! Don't miss the joy of finding the lost in your life. Love, light, and labor must be a part of our lives if we are to find this joy!

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