Monday, August 1, 2011

Bad Middle School Memories

When I was in 6th grade just going into middle school I remember sitting in the bleachers with some kids at an event. A really huge 8th grade guy was sitting in front of me with his girlfriend. All of a sudden he turned around to me without a word and poured a large Coke right over my head. I remember the ice running down on my papers and him standing over me laughing as the Coke ran all over my clothes. He did the whole thing to impress his girlfriend! I remember feeling powerless and humiliated and I swore to myself that one day when I grew up I would find that guy and kill him. I was as serious as a 6th grade boy could be.

I honestly had not thought about that for years until today. I was looking on Facebook and saw this guy's picture in an alumni page. Sadly, he died of a drug overdose a few years ago. Someone had commented at the bottom that this guy had bullied them in school and they carried a deep hatred for him for years until they found Christ. When I read that I suddenly recognized this guy that had hurt me so badly so long ago.

I will turn 43 years old next week. I had carried that for 30 years in my heart without realizing it was still even there. But today I forgave a 30 year old hurt. It may not make sense to everyone, but it was real to me.

1 comment:


One of the hardest things I've found about walking with God is forgiveness. But when we what a weight off the soul. We get so used to bearing some of those weights, we don't even realize they are there until God shows us somehow. This is an amazing addition to an already great testimony. --Thanks Anthony! Bless you brother! --Allen Cox